4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2017 går av stapeln 22-23 maj 2017 på Parchi del Garda, Pacengo (Verona), ITALIEN.
Konferensen utvecklas väl och deltagare har redan börjat registrera sig vilket är rekordtidigt.
VTT Technical Research Institute of Finland Ltd.
BTS Biogas Srl/GmbH
Bioenergy International
Consorzio Italiano Biogas e Gassificazione
Bioenergy Insight
Renewable methane development in China
Prof. Xiujin Li, Bejing University of Chemical Technology
Biogas o syngas: Synergies between anaerobic digestion and gasification
Dr. Michael Niederbacher, BTS Biogas Srl/GmbH
High methane conversion efficiency by low temperature steam reforming of bio-feedstock
Dr. Valerie Dupont, Leeds University
Advanced syngas cleaning and increased bioSNG efficiency
Prof. Henrik Thunman, Chalmers University of Technology
ECN System for Methanation (ESME)
Dr. Guadalupe Aranda Almansa, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
Methanation of air captured CO2
Dr. Pekka Simell, VTT Technical Research Institute of Finland Ltd.
HELMETH – a high efficiency Power-to-gas concept
Prof. Dimosthenis Trimis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Small scale gasification-based CHP in Italy
Prof. David Chiaramonti, University of Florence