10 reasons to attend REGATEC 2017

4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2017, takes place 22-23 May in Pacengo (Verona), Italy. The conference revolves around renewable methane and has a technical and industrial focus. For more info www.regatec.org.

  • Italy is the leading country in Europe when it comes to NGVs (natural gas vehicles) and filling stations for compressed methane. In fact almost 75% of all NGVs in Europe are Italian.
  • The new Italian decree on biomethane, favouring biomethane as vehicle fuel, will be presented at the conference.
  • A new platform for cross border biomethane trading will be presented.
  • There are several synergies between the three sectors (AD, gasification and P2G) that are waiting to be exploited. A whole session in plenary is dedicated to synergies between the different biomethane production paths.
  • Listen to 60+ leading experts presenting the latest advances within biogas upgrading, gasification/methanation and Power-to-gas. The conference will be opened by the Head of Research and Development of Consorzio Italiano Biogas e Gassificazione and the Eurogas policy advisor.
  • Get an insight to the renewable methane development in China. Presented by the executive director of China Biogas Association,
  • Take part in Network Plus, an efficient way to get to know you peers and connect to new business or collaboration partners.
  • Since natural gas is predicted to overtake the role as the dominating fuel during this century the interest and business opportunities for renewable methane will increase.
  • Visit the exhibition where leading biogas, gasification and Power-to-gas companies and research institutes will highlight their products and services. On the biogas side all upgrading technologies are present, i.e. chemical scrubbing, organic physical scrubbing, water scrubbing, PSA, membranes and cryogenic upgrading.
  • The conference takes place in Parchi del Garda, the largest hotel and congress centre in the lake Garda and Verona region. Enjoy the Italian hospitality, the delicious food, the fantastic scenery (the venue is situated 900 m from the shores of lake Garda). Why not combine the conference with a visit to the medieval and romantic city of Verona?